Our Services
Get to the root cause for long term relief!
Pelvic Health is for all stages of life
From students with severe menstrual pain and pain with sex, to prenatal birth prep and postpartum rehab, through peri/menopause pelvic health challenges. We have your pelvic floor needs covered.
Having a Caesarean, Hysterectomy, LAPEX or Birth?
Concerned you will be told to wait “ 6 weeks” before getting pelvic support and guidance? Maximize better outcomes!
Schedule and start your pelvic therapy BEFORE your birth or surgery date. We’ll follow you in early post-op and collaborate with your surgeon.
Have less pain and suffering, prevent or limit narcotic use, and avoid post-op constipation!
Prevent post-op and post-partum complications.
Learn how to move and restore pelvic functions safely (aka poo/pee/sex).
Restore your core and pelvic floor and return to activities you love with confidence.
Questions? Contact us! We are happy to help.
Physical Therapy Treatments
Manual Therapies
Myofascial Release
Visceral-fascial mobilization for fertility and pain
Home Exercise Prescription, Functional Training
Scar tissue mobilization
Joint mobilization
Manual lymphatic drainage (MLD)
Therapeutic exercise prescription
Neuromuscular re-education/Coordination
Vagal nerve toning/Relaxation training
Ultrasound (Mastitis)
TENS and NMES Electrical Stimulation
Trans-tibial Neural Stimulation (IC/BPS)
Prometheus SMEG Biofeedback
Silicone CuppinG
Orthotic and Prosthetic Training
Rectal Balloon Training
Follow up treatment sessions are scheduled weekly to bi-weekly after your evaluation and are intended for those in search of expert, goal-driven care!
Customized treatments, individually-
Paced for your needs.
Prenatal and Postpartum Physical Therapy
Pessary Fitting and Prolapse Management
Pelvic and Perineal Pain Management
Pelvic Floor Birth Prep and Rehab
Cesarean Prep and Rehab
Hysterectomy Prep/Rehab
Managing Pelvic Organ Prolapse
Pain with Sex and Pelvic Floor Tension
Overcoming Diastasis Rectus Abdominis
Visceral Facial Mobilization for Infertility and Pain Syndromes
Urinary and Fecal Incontinence
Easing Constipation
Endometrial Pelvic Pain
Scar Mobilization
Pre and Post Op OB/GYN Rehab
Return To Running
What Is the Evaluation
and Treatment Process?
A Pelvic Health Physical Therapy Evaluation is ideal for those in search of a detailed medical review and assessment of their neuro musculoskeletal systems and function, assessment of scar/fascial restrictions relating to infertility, pelvic congestion, and pain, assessment of their pelvis before and/or after child birth, and treatment solutions to pain and dysfunction. External and internal pelvic assessments based on your needs and consent. A treatment plan/home program may be recommended as well as suggested referrals.
Evaluations consist of 30-45 minute intake, 60 minute face to face and written plan of care will completed and can be faxed to your medical provider for collaboration. Education, a home program, and referrals will be included during your first visit.
The process: Ongoing assessment occurs over the next 3-5 sessions to get to the root, followed by putting out “the fire”, then adding activity back in, then restoring to full function.
Treatment plans are weekly hour long follow-ups which taper to bi-monthly or monthly and span 4-6 months or more pending severity and length of pain and dysfunction. Packages are available to offer patients savings to help with progress and commitment to self. Single follow up sessions are available to those who are not able to commit due to time, energy or resources.
At WellWomanPT, we strive to follow your lead. Patient’s know their body and situations best. Recommended treatments and plan will be offered, however patients are ultimately in charge of their healing. We are happy to be a guide along the journey.
We Help Women Live Better Lives
Common Diagnoses We See…
Interstitial Cystitis/Painful Bladder Syndrome
Overactive Bladder
Urinary Stress and Urge Incontinence
Constipation/IBS/Crone’s Disease
Ulcerative Colitis
Ehlers Danlos Syndrome/Hypermobility
Obstetric Anal Sphincter Tears
Perineum Tears/Birth/Sexual Trauma
Pudendal Neuralgia/Sciatica
Proctalgia Fugax/Rectal Fissures/Hemmorhoids
Pelvic Girdle Pain
Sacro-iliac and Pubic Symphysis Diastasis
Diastasis Rectus Abdominis
Pelvic Organ Prolapse
And Much More!
Prenatal Exercise Birth Prep
Private Prenatal Exercise/ Child Birth Training; an exercise and educational birth prep program can be added to your Premium Pelvic Floor Birth Prep Program.
Premium Pelvic Birth Prep
Schedule your perineum massage session at 34 weeks and get your pelvic floor ready. This includes a pelvic health physical therapy evaluation and one treatment session with a pelvic health physical therapist. Learn how to stretch, and relax your pelvic floor for birth! Includes pelvic floor and abdominal assessment, an internal professional perineum manual massage at 34 weeks (your birth partner is encouraged to attend for training of the massage), Surface EMG biofeedback relaxation training, and TENS training for labor pain/postpartum pain. Handouts and home exercise programs are included. Perineum massage and having birth partner training is optional.